Onderwerp: The missing Link
The Email Below Was Sent Out To Warn the speakers on this conference for the deep sinful way they go, for their highly dangerous partial-truth-conference everyon2023, now in amsterdam Click Link

Onderwerp: The missing Link
Datum: 21-06-2023 01:44
Afzender: Prophets Council Jerusalem <info@prophetscounciljerusalem.org>
Ontvanger: info@houseontherock.org.ng, inspire@opendoorsuk.org, info@childreneverywhere.com, ruslan@glace.kz, sebastian.carnival@gmail.com, secretariat@eglisemlk.fr, priere@eglisemlk.fr, contact@eglisemlk.fr, henry@caritasinveritate.com, librarytours@bgea.org, office@icf.ch, info@goawakening.org, info@audaciouschurch.com, connect@iccnairobi.org, frontdesk@iccnairobi.org, 6degree@converge.org, ailab@cvglobal.co, admin@zealchurch.com, info@celebrate.org, info@lumoproject.com, lordedmiston@cvglobal.co, resources@cvglobal.co, info@enloeministries.org, idserve@indigitous.org, admin@ruach-ministries.co.uk, info@reydereyes.com.ar, fundacion@reydereyes.com.ar, contacto@bacsweb.com.ar, mikelfrench@cox.net, agtrust@ag.org, ntcperm@mail.ru, info@novizavet.ru, customer.service@mardel.com, drladonna@osborn.org, info@compassiontoaction.com, Partners@compassiontoaction.com
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Onderwerp: The missing Link
Datum: 21-06-2023 01:42
Afzender: Prophets Council Jerusalem <info@prophetscounciljerusalem.org>
Ontvanger: info@arleenwesterhof.com, info@vandersteenministries.nl, info@nationsablaze.com, info@joingea.org, info@empowered21.com, arleen@hetnet.nl, president@oru.edu, info@cashluna.org, info@equipandempower.org, support@equipandempower.org, info@propelwomen.org, generals@generals.org, usa@cfan.org, info@royalmission.nl, miracles@healing-ministries.org, info@harvestfieldsinternational.com, info@vandersteenministries.org, school@vandersteenministries.org, info@shakethenations.com, DailyHope@pastorrick.com, informacion@pastorrick.com, dailyhopecanada@pastorrick.com, PastorRick@saddleback.com, mentalhealthforum@saddleback.com, info@pd.church, info@by-design.eu, info@embassy-amsterdam.nl, office@profetischeraad.nl, info@livingimage.nl, info@awakeningeurope.com, receptie@shelter-haarlem.nl, info@hrtlink.nl, info@rafaelamsterdamnoord.nl, Info@transform-counselling.nl, info@transformservices.nl, info@nhclc.org, press@theKcompany.co, Rick@theKcompany.co, Melody@theKcompany.co, chiefofstaff@nhclc.org, info@opwekking.nl, abonnementen@opwekking.nl, info@scholtenuitgeverij.nl, church@planetshakers.com, info@planetshakers.com, rachel@chroma.church, joel.barber@chroma.church, tim@chroma.church, amelia@chroma.church, sophie@chroma.church, maddie@chroma.church, chris@chroma.church, jamie@chroma.church, accounts@chroma.church, emily@chroma.church, hello@chroma.church, dunamismusic@idunamis.org, hello@lindycofer.com, Team@crmovement.com, welkom@worshipchurch.nl, boekingen@creatievekerk.nl, contact@faadeboye.com, tog@rccg.org, info@rccg.org, amsterdamjesushouse@gmail.com, info@rccgamsterdam.org, info@rccgna.org, info@ohic.org, openheavensinternational@gmail.com, brian@americaprays.org
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Send This Email Through To all the speakers, co-workers AND attendants! of the seminars and conference,
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Prophets Council Jerusalem
Zion – Jerusalem – Israël
1 Chronicles 12:32a
Mount of Olives, october 2012
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works
of darkness, But Rather Expose them.
Ephesians 5:11
Thy tacklings are loosed; they could not well strengthen their mast,
they could not spread the sail: then is the prey of a great spoil divided; the lame Take the prey.
– Isa 33:23 –
Why evangelize? to whom do you bring those people. Because you don’t Preach Jesus’ Assignment From Matthew 26:13
Verily I Say Unto You, Wheresoever This Gospel Shall Be Preached In the whole world,
There Shall Also This, That This Woman Hath Done, Be Told For A Memorial Of Her.
And Jesus Says In Revelation 22:19 and if anyone takes away from The Words Of The Book Of This Prophecy,
God Shall Take Away his Part From The Book Of Life, From The Holy City, And From The Things Which Are Written
In This Book-> Matthew 26:12 -> Revelation 12
Matthew 5:37:
“But Let your ‘Yes’ Be ‘Yes,’ And your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.
Telling For A Memorial Of Her Is Touching The Mantle Of The Shulamith
– Song Of Songs 6:13 – Necessary To Come Out Of babylon
A Deep end of endtime Mystery,The Crown On Gods Work, That’s Why He Says:
I Have Created A New Thing In The Earth, A Woman Shall Encompass A Man.
– Jeremiah 31:22 –
Somebody who doesn’t Obey The Full Word Jesus Brought is under the curse
– John 14:23 –
Jesus Saith Unto Her, Touch Me not; For I Am not Yet Ascended To My Father: But Go To My brethren,
And Say Unto them, I Ascend Unto My Father, And your Father; And To My God, And your God.
John 20:17
She Ascended With Him To Her Father, To Her God, While She Stayed on earth,
She And Their Bloodline Brought Forth The WonderSign, The Shulamith,
The Daughter Of Zion, The Woman From Revelation 12, She Who Carries
The Mantle For whole creation. Aquila Deborah, She Met Jesus On A High Mountain In the midst of the ninetees,
With Him She Saw everything in a big knot, He Placed Her Under At The Foot Of The Mountain
And Said Her To Leave everything And, Being Filled By His Love To Climb Up,
The Way Of HSHS She Saw As Letters In The Air: High School Holy Spirit
Arrived At The Top, One With Him On The Mountain,
He Said Deborah, Deborah Arise Because the leaders don’t Stand Up – Judge 4 – He Gave The Assignment:
Be Courageous And Strong And Build Me A House For Sanctuary, – 1 Chron. 28:10 And 20 –
Let The Greatness Of Your Assignment don’t scare you away.
I Have Anointed And Facilitated You To Be A Dismantler Of knots.
A New Unusual Work – Isa. 43:19, 28:21 – And Much More
In sd 2008 God Called Her To Go To the heaven on earth conference 2008 trin.
When She Was Packing Her Suitcase To Go To the heaven on earth conference 2008 trin,
She Was Called And God Spoke: You Think That You Go For AfterCare,
But Watch And See what happens through the leaders on the platform;You Know What You Have To Do About it; And She Knew!
I Was Also On this conference; A Few Months Later He Placed Us Together; We Knew!
So 15 Years Later, Here We Are!
system date 12-12-12:‘COMPLETION!’
He Spoke… And More. Wherein All That Is Needed, Wherein Everyone!
He Gave:
Jerusalem Ministry Worship Centre
High Priest Council Jerusalem
Court Of Zion
Prophets Council Jerusalem
Child Care Coaching
Full Cover Health Insurance
All National Prophet Councils
Promotion New Book: She Is As The Dance Of Two Armies – Song Of Songs 6:13 – – YouTube
Man For Man Shall Be Born Into Her – Psalm 87:5 –
She Is The One Who Is The Dance Of Two Armies, She Is The One Who Is One
In The Dance With Jesus – Song Of Songs 6:13 –
it is doorpost against Doorpost
It’s Rev. 9:11 anti-Christ destruction (church married to state) against Hebr. 9:11 High PriestHood,
The New Jerusalem Movement, There Is No temple In Her – Rev. 21:22 –
And The River – Rev. 22:1 – Makes the sea – Eze. 47:8 – (the defiled spirit of unSanctified humanity) Healthy
Come Out Of babylon – Rev. 18:4 – , you bring all those people who ‘give their hearts
To Jesus’ under the mantle of the pope, enstrengthen the vatican trust Click Link
And Translate In The Right Corner To your language.
You feed them to the vatican, because it’s not The Real Jesus they meet, it’s the surrogate jesus,
it’s the jesus of the statue in rio de janeiro.
It’s the catholic jesus, it’s the angel who presents itself as An Angel Of Light.
All of you pay health insurance… thus paying for the murdering of Babies, even till 6 Months old, thus Viable Outside The Uterus AND denying Isaiah 53. Thus which kingdom do you bring these people in??? Again you bring these in the kingdom of the snake… vatican means hill where the snake is worshipped as god, indeed everyone2023… because everyone who is not In The Mantle Of The Shulamith and is through his social security number Click Link and by the vatican trust hooked in the mantle of the pope, who is the priest of aliens, the priest of the alien V-signs, and the murderer of
The Anointing Of Christ And Mary Magdalene. How are all those people now, who you ‘brought to Christ?’ Are they Living The Full Glorious Life Jesus died For, Are they Builders Of The Kingdom? Are they Out Of babylon, Taking Revenge On babylon, Double! As Jesus Asigns In Revelation 18:6. Are they Becoming Kings And Priest, Pillars Of The Kingdom Of God On Earth? Are they Dethroning the puppets of the anti-Christ, do they STOP The Baby-murders in the land? Jesus Did not Only Bring The Gospel.. Jesus Brought The Kingdom, The Kingdom
Which Destroys the anti-Christ world system.
Know that you all are not Delivered from your sin, your iniquities and the iniquities of your forefathers, of your land and still with strings attached to the world system… thus also those whom you bring The Gospel. Deliverance From the iniquities Is Only Possible In The Mantle Of The Daughter Of Zion And Out Of the mantle of the great whore babylon. Still being in your iniquities, still being attached to babylon, is still being in the domain of the snake, working from the domain of the snake… thereby: there isn’t Done Cleansing And Asking Forgiveness For the olympic games On HighPriest Level. MoreOver, The HighPriests are not Acknowledged. The olympic games held in this olympic stadion in amsterdam, are worship of anti-Christ.
The symbol of the olympic games has the vescia pesces, which are alien-portals, for all continents
through which the aliens inhabit the people who worship,

false peace and division
because that’s why the olympic games were held in the first place…
to please the greek gods.
So this conference is used by the anti-Christ to anchor all the people brought To Christ(?) deeper in the anti-Christ… It’s White or black
and grey is also black. The Hope you want to bring people, is thin air. God Can not Build with people still in the anti-Christ, still in babylon,
God Can not Build His Holy Temple with unholy people. Then there is the statue, now in the stadium, which makes the hitler-greet.
something is what the spirit behind it is Click Link
bringing all the resonances of the third reich over and in the audience. The pope shakes hands with hitler in the ones whom you, agents of the pope, evangelize. High level mind control, where you are in and what you do, based in ChildBlood sacrifice. And The Blood Of Babies doesn’t match with
The Blood Of Christ. Either you Build On His Blood or on Their Blood!
Arleen who is Called As The Heraut Of The New is because of disObedience deeply entrangled in voodoo and witchcraft, of course with an evangelic prophetic sauce on it.
She was with Us In The BreakThrough In The Historic Conference In Strassbourg.
Where Aquila Deborah Broke Through the demonic roof of europa, india, the world.
The rhine-action 09-09-’09 full of witchcraft, God Spoke Clearly Psalm 77 To Aquila Deborah,
The Lightning Arrows Litterly Flew From The Black Flags (See Psalm 77), While She With the God Given Army Stood At The Stage In Strassbourg During An Apostolic Momentum Broke Through the demonic roof of the world system From The Inside In The Fullness Of The Seven Spirits Of God, Wearing An Indian BridalDress, Spoke God Through The Audience To The Dutch Army: To Stand As First In Unity Between the plates islam and humanism!
On the monday = moon-day, arleen has her day with ‘God’ in alignment with
the meeting of president rutte (worshipper of baphomet)
and king willem alexander and maxima (ChildBlood-sacrifice) in the putti Click Link
(eroticized young boy) room in palace noord-einde,
this room in line with the dna-room in huis ten bosch,
the house of willem alexander.
romans 13, are all authorities from God? Click Link
Shortly after, at a conference where lance wallnau spoke about the seven mountains. Through Gods Spirit he Established The Order For Holland There. On The High Momentum Gods Spirit Grasped arleen, she Turned herself Towards Aquila Deborah she Shouted To Aquila Deborah:
And This After Aquila Deborah Had Asked Before The Conference If She Should Bring Her Flags, Whereon she answered: no better not.
But God Lead Aquila Deborah To Bring The Seven Under The Anointing Made FireFlags Standing For The Seven Spirits Of God, And Lay Them In The Car For The Right Moment.
What Then Happened Is To See In The Video Below:
Confirming FULL Prophecy Over His River of Glory Source Group,
Spoken On sd 12-11-2009 – YouTube (Click Link)
Listen Especially To What God Specifically Said: ‘if someone criticize It, It Will not Manifest in their lives‘. Lance wallnau Positioned Through Gods Spirit First The Dutch Army Of The River Of Glory On Stage, Then the Called artists In Front Of The Stage, Then the Called businessmen, And Then the Called pastors… there arleen… she knew better
See Link Above. The Order For The Body Of Christ On Earth Was Established And Made Visible!
arleen under the mantle of rick joyner, maltezer order, and the mantle of queen beatrix
Even when praying against the statue, the vescia pesces, etc.
There Hasn’t Been Asked Forgiveness By you On High Priest Level,
That Means To The PriestHood Out Of babylon, thus it had full effect in the underlayers of iniquities of all the attendants.
Hereby I Introduce to you The New Work God Is Doing Through Theodora Maria Aquila Deborah Bat Sion, The Shulamith. She Was Set Free In system date 1992 When She Broke Through the black asphalt layers of the french lily.
God Could Then Start With The New Work With Her.
And She Received in system date 03-2009 The River – Eze. 47:8, Rev. 22:1 – , The Fullness Of The Seven Spirits Of God – Isaiah 11:2 – The River Destroys babylon, and all organization. This Is Given To All Who Want To Enter The New Jerusalem And Leave babylon.
She Has Received A Richly Filled Table In the camp of the enemy
She Came From The Stairs Outside To the roof of the religious house And Broke Throughthe roof Into the depths through the foundation To Turn the spiritual second heaven upside down And To Build From Inside Out The True Fivefold Ministry, First Of All In The First Called Prophets, The One For Israel And The One For Jerusalem, They Who Carry israel and jerusalem As Mandate In Their Spirits,
So She Is The Mother Of All.
Your BluePrint Is In Her Spirit
He Gives Mercy Through HerTo All Who Have Respect And Fear Of The Lord,
But there is no Mercyfor those who abuseThe Mercy,
while they Know. With Jesus We Forgive you, But We Can not Say With Jesus: Father Forgive them, they do not Know what they are doing; you Knew Already Or you Know Now.
In system date 03-2009,She Also Received The Mantle Over The Whole Earth And Was Already Before 2009 Confirmed By 60 Called Prophets from all denominations and churches Click Link, Confirming The New Work. God Spoke To Her Jeremiah 31:22 I Will Create Something New:
A Woman Shall Encompass A Man. A Deep Deep Mystery, The Answer For this end of endtime.She Is The Bride, In Whom All Will Be Born – Psalm 87:5 – Man For Man Shall Be Born In Her, First Of All The 144.000 Called Priests And Kings, Who Will Be The Pillars Of The Kingdom Of God On Earth.
Whether you Stand or fall Depends On your Reaction And Attitude Towards / depends on your reaction and attitude towards Her.
She Is One With Him, Who Is The TouchStone And Whomyou all proclaim to bring To the people. If You Truly Serve Him, Then you Obey His Word, Especially His Word In Matthew 26:13:everywhere in the whole earth, whereThis Gospel Is Told, Shall Also Be Told What She Has Done To Me, As A Memorial To Her. She Anointed Him On The Head With The Most Precious NardusOil, She Bought From All She Had. God Let Her Be The More Over Him – Hebr. 7:7 – And The Lineage Of Encompassment – Jer. 31:22 – Started There And Came In This Day To Completion, In The Shulamith.
And over the whole are the highest anti-Christ priests, one of them is rick joyner
initiated in the order of malta… this the oath they have to swear, this against The Word Of Jesus that no one is allowed to swear:
a part of the oath of the order of malta: “I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics, protestants and masons, as I am directed to do to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth;
and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition, and that will hang, bum, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants’ heads against the wails in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same can not be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the pope or superior of the brotherhood of the holy father of the society of jesus.”
under this oath, thus under this mantle is the whole ‘conference’,
this because of arleen westerhof under rick joyner.
This result in a deep baptism in a counterfeit spiritual ‘revelation’
of all the visitors of this day and the days after.
End of endtime war arleen knows Us And The Magnificent Work
He Is Doing Through Aquila Deborah,
she was with Us On The Historical Breakthrough Conference In strassbourgh in 2009,
Where We Got The Assignment To Stand In Unity Between the plates of islam and humanism,
And On The Apostolic Momentum With lance wallnau in the leg in amsterdam.
but on The Day Of Unity in almere, when she saw Us, she, full in the voodoo, turned around and walked away, without Speaking To Us.
Jesus Would never Do that, voodoo will. Even While We Gave her, As The Spirit Aquila Deborah Leads A Deborah Palm for the opening of their dominion centre.
the statue making the hilter-greet and the vescia pesces, puts all further under the curse, and gives legal right to phoenixfire to burn away the inner-man. Through the strings with babylon, the love and the peace is counterfeit and comes from the queen of heaven which gives a counterfeit blanket over the conference, because all are still in the iniquity of babylon! Thus legal ground for the false to manifest, the complete denial of Christ.
It brings all emotional experiences, which all attribute to The Holy Spirit, Which is impossible, The Holy Spirit Only Lands On A Right And Holy Foundation – Psalm 25 –
Article emotional revival-egregore Click Link
NOT on iniquity! NOT on hearts marinated in babylon, whose thoughts, feelings, experiences,
are drenched with babylon, high witchcraft.
your conference is not going To Do It, it will be strengthless, another waste of time,
of money, of effort and of Expectations.
Running by the vatican programs you speak about hope instead Of Faith,
hope instead Of Substance, Somebody In Christ Is Substance.
you are searching for souls, But Love Attracts Souls,organisation vs Organism,
The Heart Of God.
The cross of the passion is the symbol of this queen of heaven worship – Jer. 6:14, Jer. 7:18 –
(soulish emotional love without Redemption, withoutIsaiah 53).
The people who are interviewed in this passion, are weak and misuse the cross as a symbol for hope, connection, false comfort.
Never Was The True Message Of The Cross Preached in the passion. The white cross
a foundation of anti-Christ, will be the starter of the everyone2023. I Say At Forehand, this conference will be the next fiasco; your acts will not Work Outanything For Good, and all for the bad, the ingredients are again the same, the foundation of babylon in a new mixture of new sophisticated evangelical paradigms and words, the false peace paradigm of the queen of heaven against The True Anointing.
God Uses it And Take His Advantage,
But What they do not Understand
That they are Brought together
as sheaves of wheat On
The ThreshingFloor
Micah 4
but where will you be?
Besides, A True Follower Of Jesus Christ Has persecution, I Do not See that with any of the preachers, not the true persecution Jesus Speaks About. And on this false foundation raising the occult symbolic flags of the nations high?! Are these flags Inspired By The Holy Spirit, Or Is God Judging
the veils over the nations – Isa. 25:7 – and are these veils represented by the flags? For example the pentagram of morocco and ethiopia, the hexagram
of israel, the occult triton of barbados, and furthermore a lot (jezuit)sun, moon and star programms.
Thus instead Of Deliverance from
the strongholds and the veils, will this way of working empower the strongholds. Jesus Would never hold illuminati-flags high
people who do that sold their First Love to the state…
and the pope, he smiles accepting
exalt the babylonic nations?
babylon cannot Be Healed – Jer. 51:9 –
Article: Only AgapeLove Brings Forth A Netherlands Above the waterlevel Click Link
High is the bowl where the olympic fire ones burned on, and high is the logo with the vescia pesces… As Said: alien-portals,
satan does not leaves anything unused. White Is White, black is black, grey is also black.
And As Said, there has never been Asked For Forgiveness On HighPriest Level, Nor Has Reconciliation Been Done.
You have no Knowledge, and you perish because of lack of Knowledge. And where you flourish it’s because you eat from the altar of Blood-sacrifes of babylon. Just a few kilometers further on, Babies are killed in the time you impart ‘hope and zeal’ in your audience, this all under
the armour of the house of orange,
amsterdam abortion clinic
whom you respect and serve through the social security number. Loving the world has made you an enemy of God – Jam. 4:4 – .
On the surface it seems you are Following Jesus, but in the deep layers of iniquity and attachment with the world system,
the satanic programs are running. Why Can God not Reveal to you, That A True Follower Of Jesus Christ Has To Leave babylon And Come Home And Has To Be Born In And From The Daughter Of Zion – Ps. 87:5 – . So Again, all those you inspire you inspire those more deeply into the snake, because you bring a false gospel. Jesus Gives As Criterium For The True Gospel, That You Also Tell What She Has Done To Him,
So you Will Touch The Mantle And Come In The Anointing.
Again: Verily I Say Unto You, Wheresoever This Gospel Shall Be Preached In the whole world,
[There] Shall Also This, That This Woman Hath Done, Be Told For A Memorial Of Her. – Matthew 26:13 –
For My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me The Fountain Of Living Waters,
[and] hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no Water.
Not Going Against the Blood sacrifices is being part of them, is building on them and is vampiring
the people through the aliens who thrive on terror and half-truths
In The Name Of The Most Holy One, In The Name Of Jesus Christ
STOP with the way you move and act, it’s satanic. Again, God Takes His Advantage Of it,
But where will you be? Here Speaks Love! Search God Deeply (See The Youtube Below),
Pray And Fast, This Is What God Wants you To Know, Search Him, Search Them And Dedicate yourself To Her Who Holds your BluePrint. Rebirth Only Takes Place In Zion.
Going on with this false movement is leading Precious Called People away from The Truth, from their Lord And is heaping up Judgement, God Makes Note Of of every thing! Hope is false, When Everything Is Accomplished And Accessible. He Did It All On The Cross And In The Daughter Of Zion – Song Of Songs 6:13, Jer. 31:22, Isa. 62:5, Isa. 66, Micah 4:8, Matthew 26:13 –See This YouTube:Two Witnesses : A Man and A Woman The BRANCH & DAUGHTER OF ZION – YouTube
And because none of the speakers Is Out Of babylon, they all are runned by deep programms. arleen westerhof by high voodoo-priestess program, connected with lance wallnau, making satanic handsigns on the platform. mattheus van der steen (the philosophers stone / de steen der wijzen),
a high wizard of oz program, and alchemy.
Makes illusoir claims of Deliverance, but ensnares people in highly sophisticated web of the hexagram, puts them in an entrapment so the principalities working through mattheus can vamparize the ‘converts’ for their benefits, energizing the organisations of mattheus van der steen. In 2008 mattheus van der staan fell on the floor under the hands of a catholic priest and said: ‘o mother mary I want to be catholic’ on that moment he was deeper enlocked into the vatican (meaning: hill where the snake is worshipped as god) and also his followers and symphatisants. His ways in myanmar was only to bring people in his net, to vampirize, clear what happened to the royinga.
Then jan sjoerd pasterkamp (spiritual father mattheus van der steen) swore that who touched mattheus van der steen, would touch him, he is through this oath reigning beyond the grave, enloaded with voodoo in his spirit coming from his time (with no Apostolic Covering From The New Work) in papua new guinea, also cees van harten has this voodoo in him and lives in voorthuizen under the french lily, the death symbol against The Anointing And The Anointed One
Jesus Brought The Kingdom, To Share, not hope,Certainty.
There Was no egoism In Him, He Is The Superlative; Love, without ‘own soulish fleshly interests’.
He Sacrificed Himself, So That The Father Could Exalt Him, Only The Father Exalts.
In Him Is The Wisdom, In Him Is The Fullness With The Wisdom, The Spirit Of The Lord – Love –
The Spirit Of Council And Might, Of Knowledge And Fear Of The Lord, Of Wisdom And Understanding
One Who Goes Above All Is The Fear Of The Lord. If you Do not Have These,
Then you are not Led By The Song Of Songs Love, Which Is The Father HimSelf.
And If He Does not Lead you, who is leading you then? Wake Up!
your works have not been Found Full. – Rev. 3:1-3 –
can we now say that all is in control of the jesuits
By lack of Knowledge the people are perishing, by lack of Humility they dig their own grave.
the sin of disObedience has bewitched them, rightful, Because Christ Speaks Differently, yet they did not Recognize Them
See SpiritualHealthcheck-RhemaCoaching.Org
Because you sin in public, We Have To Make this publicly Known – 1 Tim. 5:20 –
ATTACHMENT, Spoken From The Throne:
workshops & tracks voor amsterdam2023
- Opwekkingsbewegingen: NEHUSTHAN, God Says: I Have Started Something New, Don’t look back! – Isa. 43:18 – True Discipleship Is Leaving everything Behind – Luke 14:25- 35 –, Let Not be many your teacher, But Only The Holy Spirit. Revivalmovement Did not Last, Because they didn’t give Mary Of Magdalene Her Rightful Place. – Jer. 31:22 –
- Trends in het gebruik van digitale media voor evangelisatie
makes no sense, If There is no Substance, so clicking into orion, into the ai, so people intertwined in the network of witchcraft which is vampirism. In the transhumanist agenda. Realize what you are guilty of! He Counts every letter of you. - Evangelisatie: tips en tricks om uw boodschap effectief over te brengen. Jesus Did nothing But What He Saw The Father Do. This is freemasonry and misleading of people, Again: Be Aware That you Have To Give Account Of every point and comma, He Counts every thing.
- Bovennatuurlijke bediening in evangelisatie vandaag: Click into orion, which are alien energies
- Evangelisatie in beperkte contexten: does not work, on the contrary, you facilitate the anti-Christ. Contextualization is fornication. Jesus is clear about fornication.
the context which is the egregore must be cracked by The Accomplishing Apostolic Building Anointing! - Succesvolle gemeentestichting: wereldwijde trends: does not Exist suc-6 is from the snake. This one give you ‘peace’ on good intentions.. good intentions pave the way to hell. These are the many ways which lead to rome, the vatican means the hill where the snake is worshipped as god. If God does not Bless The Work the builders work in vain. Even Jesus Had To Learn Obedience: He Only Did What He Saw The Father Do. Again: what you bring is freemasonry, they also use the bible, it’s the spirit of satan.
- De roeping en het leven van de evangelist: does not matter. An evangelist outside The Order is highly dangerous and full of destruction to the ones who receive his words and above all for himself. He creates altars for Bloodsacrifice and his converts he vampirizes, see mattheus van der steen, and his blue fairytail eyes full of white witchcraft as a result of ChildBlood-sacrifice, vampirism all over the world, and weddingbonds with satan (one with rebekkah van der steen, one with the orange bloodline, one with all the children he kidnapped to vampire, to build his wizard of oz kingdom)
- Evangelisatie op zakelijk en economisch gebied: James 1:27 can it be more ‘hilarious’? a judas-ministry!
- Bidden in de oogst: only ‘bidsprinkhanen’ do this. Jesus Said It Is Accomplished, where do you have to pray for then? When Everything Is Already There. God Calls you To Obey And To Stand In Your BluePrint Through Pure Worship And To Lay Down your own interests, And Through Thoroughly Follow
- Compassie-evangelisatie: de kracht van zorg om mensen voor Christus te bereiken: O let put it all in pieces, because on pieces is where the leviathan thrives on – Job -, so who do you serve?
- Zoeken naar iedereen: onderzoek naar de onvoltooide taak: Research? The Holy Spirit Reveals Everything. Seeking is only done by the snake, Because When You Have Christ Then You Have The Light And Everything Is Clear! What a witches-chaldron!
- Studiebeurs ter ondersteuning van evangelisatie:
WHAT A DISGRACE! Is this what the people did in the desert? And Do They Do this In The Promised Land, The New Work. If you are not There, what is there to evangelize. His Mercy Should Be Sufficient For you - Christus delen met de kinderen van vandaag: Then you Need To Have Christ, Only Accesable In The Mantle Of The Shulamith – Song Of Songs 6:13 -. Children with a social security number are sold by their parents to the state The First Love sold, as esau sold his First Birth Right to ba’al for a plate of red soup.
See Article: baptism in the bsn from Blessing into curse Click Link. It’s John 3:8 you do not Know Where The Wind Comes From And Goes To, what are you doing? - Generatie Z evangeliseren: generation ZOMBIE you mean. Generation x = nobody, generation y = gender defiled, generation z = ZOMBIE, people without a heart, led by demons, they don’t have a foundation to Receive.
what do you think??? John 3:8 Says That The Wind Of God Goes Where you does not know. How can you present this to, without doubt, Honest Seeking people? Again: everything Will Be Signed Up - De Evangelische Lokale Kerk: doesn’t Exist, it’s an egregore created by people entrapped in freemasonry thinking. This Is What God Says Over The Temple: there is no temple in her. – Revelation 21:22 –
- Aanbiddingsevangelisatie: de impact van zijn aanwezigheid: who’s presence? if your fundament is not according To His Blueprint? See Jerusalem Ministry Worship Centre. A little leaven makes the whole dough sour. Good to think over why Moses Was not Allowed To Enter The Promised Land.
- Strategische evangelisatie-initiatieven: which piece of the chopped pie is this?? From whom comes this iniative, outside The Order, outside The Cover, outside The Mantle, thus useless! God Says Be Holy, Because I Am Holy
- Gods Woord voor iedereen: O Please? Freemasonry also. Who speaks here, who is playing here for God.
- Evangelist 101: praktische hulp voor nieuwe evangelisten. Yes, lets put a computercode on it. So now the secrecy is of your source
- De kracht van die “ene”
- Evangelisatie voor de afgelegen zendeling: what does he do there? HIGHLY DANGEROUS. In this way the voodoo entered the evangelical world in holland: through so called faith generals as jan sjoerd pasterkamp and cees van harten, fruit: robert van harten a generation d (self-defence on trauma and programmation) container. Missionaries without A Cover become containers of the area of mandate they think they subject, the opposite is true. Not Born As Assigned By God – Psalm 87:5 – no Matthew 26:13, no Anointing, So Revelation 3:1, Gods Words, not Ours (And Now Also Ours)
- Stedelijke evangelisatie: Did Jesus Made Difference? How deep are you astray! Who is your priest? mattheus van der steen / the pope. They worship the snake as their god, it’s the meaning of the word vatican.
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ Shall Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven, But He Who Does The Will Of My Father In Heaven.
“Many will say to Me in That Day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your Name, cast out demons in Your Name, and done many wonders in Your Name?’ “And Then I Will Declare To them, ‘I never Knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ Matthew 7:21-23
God Says Be Holy, Because I Am Holy
In Name Of The Most High,
To Honor Him, His Son Jesus Christ And His Bride The Shulamith,
To Lead Out His Called Children And For The Restoration Of Creation
Spoken In His Holy Name,
His Witness,
Joshua David Israel Immanuel Ben Sion
HighPriest, Apostolic Leader, Judge In The New Work
– Isa. 43:19, Matthew 26:13, Rev. 12 – Prophets Council Jerusalem
In His Flow, Just By Grace!