this satanist exposes himself at 1:52:06 – 1:53:01, he says he is the most craziest and would kick (because he is so tired) the paralized man through the hole in the roof in front of Jesus, reason:
‘1. he is already paralized, 2. Jesus Is There To Heal him.’
If Point And Comma Counts In Speaking, what does this mattheus van der steen releases here over the french public… simple, the spirit which entered him when he came the first time in france: the spirit of marquis de sade, thus sadism. mattheus crazily making a ‘joke’, the crowd laughing and giving applause, a high voodoo-ritual, and a weddingbond created with the spirit of marquis de sade. this is how it works, and mattheus is rewarded by satan with a new wife and a new life, going up higher on the stairs of freemasonry / illuminati! ending this epistrophe with the words ’that’s me’
this happening in the highly satanic movement of jean luc trachsel, which is symbolized with a crown of thorns suffocating the heart!